Forrest The Doctor's Marlborough 2013 Petit Manseng 11.5%
The terroir for this wine contributes a lot to the bouquet: stony, dry river bed, whispers of herbs and lot of citrus fruit, apple and blossoms.
On the palate this is a sweet wine, but also crisp and lively with flavors that reflect the nose, a smokey floral note with golden apple - baked - and a tart custard flavor as well (so there's a bit of complexity here too); high acidity.
A thoroughly interesting wine with M+ length.
4 Stars
The terroir for this wine contributes a lot to the bouquet: stony, dry river bed, whispers of herbs and lot of citrus fruit, apple and blossoms.
On the palate this is a sweet wine, but also crisp and lively with flavors that reflect the nose, a smokey floral note with golden apple - baked - and a tart custard flavor as well (so there's a bit of complexity here too); high acidity.
A thoroughly interesting wine with M+ length.
4 Stars