Terrace Heights Estate
THE Terrace Heights Estate Marlborough Pinto Gris 2011
N: Lush and ripe - pears, apples, sweet Asian pear and white fleshed nectarine. An air of sweetness. Simple and forward with an edge of juiciness.
P: Reflects the nose well with an emphasis on the lush and juicy. A definitive white pepper note enhanced by some phenolic texture. Medium+ acidity leads to palate into a dry finish ( a little RS noted at the begining).
Balanced - with the RS and lush fruit favours the medium+ alcohol brings the wine together nicely.
3.5 Stars
N: Lush and ripe - pears, apples, sweet Asian pear and white fleshed nectarine. An air of sweetness. Simple and forward with an edge of juiciness.
3.5 Stars |
P: Reflects the nose well with an emphasis on the lush and juicy. A definitive white pepper note enhanced by some phenolic texture. Medium+ acidity leads to palate into a dry finish ( a little RS noted at the begining).
Balanced - with the RS and lush fruit favours the medium+ alcohol brings the wine together nicely.
3.5 Stars