
Ellero Central Otago Gewurztraminer 2010 14.3%
Be sure to just cool and not chill this wine before enjoying. 
N: There is delicacy and complexity with this wine - take your time - gentle layers of spice, baby rose, ginger and crushed apple. A hint of minerality grows with each swirl and adds delicate easily missed minerality.

P: A swag of flavors and texture hit the palate taking a moment or two to settle. When they do - ginger and rose flavors arise first followed by apple, pear and tropical suggestions. There is warmth from the alcohol, but this adds to the experience. A moderate + to long finish with a whisper of apple crumble flavor.
Dry, balanced and well made.
This wine will definitley enhance a wine list. I would urge food pairing exploration.
4.5 Stars.

This is perhaps an atypical expression of Gewurztraminer as it dies not smack the nose with Lavender or Turkish delight or Lychee expected in so many examples. Give it time and the rewards will emerge.