SkyCity Covid-19 Vaccination Certificates (CVC)

I received the below email announcement on October 28th from Sky City. It demonstrates the trend, from large employers, a commitment to their health and safety program and desire to get back to business as usual.

I want to get back to business as usual as well - so well done Sky City, I hope other businesses follow suit.



“SkyCity has made the decision that COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates (CVC) will soon be a requirement for entry to all SkyCity sites across New Zealand.

This decision will ensure SkyCity has in place the highest available levels of protection against COVID-19 for our people and customers and fulfils our legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

The CVC requirement will apply to most, if not all 2900 New Zealand employees, as well as customers, contractors and visitors to our sites, to protect them from the harmful effects of COVID-19 and minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission within our sites, workplace, and the wider community.”

Cameron DouglasSkyCity, Sky City