Sauvignon Blanc

When a glass of Sauvignon Blanc is swirled and the bouquet is released it becomes immediately recognisable for its aromas, flavours and textures. Well-made Sauvignon Blanc releases many striking aromas from pungent fresh herb and tropical fruit to the peach, citrus, apple, gooseberry and grass/hay. New Zealand’s southerly location, strong maritime influences and narrow shape gives rise to a climate that is classified as cool promoting naturally higher acid levels, yet warm enough and with abundant sunlight to fully ripen the variety across the whole country. Hawkes Bay, the Wairarapa, Nelson and Marlborough capture these attributes well. 

Sauvignon Blanc pricing at retail is fiercely competitive with prices as low as $6.00 a bottle and averaging around $15.00. For restaurateurs it means sourcing examples that are unlikely to be found easily at retail so they can price point wines for their customers that are seen as fair and reasonable whilst listing brands that are recognisable and hopefully adventurous as well. Sauvignon Blanc on winelists are a great buy from around $35.00 to $60.00 a bottle; and work well with boldly flavoured fare. As a section on winelists however it is shrinking and not due to a lack of popularity but to make way for other varieties that are garnering attention – such as Albarino and Pinot Gris.

‘Classic’ or ‘Basic’ styles of Sauvignon Blanc do not change very much and like other varieties are subject to vintage and winemaker skill-set. However, there are styles that should be considered to add bredth and depth to give customers a better choice. For example, there are some producers releasing great wines with 4-5 years bottle age, others with a little Sauvignon Gris or even Pinot Gris as a co-ferment; and some wines aged in very old oak barrels adding complexity without oak flavour.

The tasting of wines for this month’s article continue to demonstrate the versatility, reliability and some changes in New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc winemaking, as well as the strength of some ‘classic’ expressions. 
